For over a year now I have been having pain in my lower back and for several months now I have had a pinched nerve in my neck. I have been to several doctors, a chiropractor, and a couple of physical therapists and received pain medication, negative compression treatments ( 29 each), 3 epidural injections in my back, electric stimulation for both my neck and back, physical therapy for my back and chiropractic manipulations on my back and neck, and as of last Friday, I was still having these same pains.
My daughter had been urging me for some time now to come to their church for "hands on spiritual healing. I sort of made excuses in trying to avoid the issue while trying not to make light of her strong belief in the power of God to heal any illness or pain.
Well, last week I ran out of excuses when Sherry informed me that Stacy and Vance had invited us to their church for special services. The services were to be held by Bill Johnson, apparently a renowned spiritual/healer/ preacher/author, who has authored several books on the subject of spiritual healing. We were told that we needed to arrive an hour before services began in order to assure that we would get a seat. What this meant to me was that this was going to be a long evening, but anyway it would give me the opportunity to visit with Stacy, Vance, Max and Joshua. So, I mentally prepared myself for the event.
In preparation for the evening, I took a pain pill and two naproxims and took a cushion to put behind my back for the long evening.
We arrived at the church at 5PM, found seats and visited with the family and at 6PM, services began. After about 2 hours of preaching, singing, clapping and testimonies, my back began to hurt and I went outside for a short walk and came back in just as the spiritual healing session was about to begin. We were asked to raise our hands if we had a particular illness or pain as various illnesses or pains or other infirmaries were called out, I was reluctant to raise my hand when "neck pain" was called out.
But, since I was already there, and.... I could feel both Sherry's and Stacy's eyes on me , I raised my hand. Same thing when back pains were called out.
Those who had raised hands were then asked to stand so that others could come, minister and lay hands on the part(s)of the body that needed healing and pray for God to heal by the authority of Jesus Christ. After about five minutes into this, I felt something come over me and I also began to pray to God to heal my neck and back by the authority of Jesus Christ. Not really expecting to be healed, either because of lack of faith in what the Bible has always proclaimed or because I just thought God wouldn't hear my plea because I am not a real strong Christian.
About 15 minutes into the session, I realized that my neck wasn't hurting and neither was my back. Unbelief started to creep into my mine as I moved my neck around to see if the pain would start. I also began to bend and flex my back to try to get the back pain to come back. Nothing happened, I couldn't feel pain anywhere. But still I began to humanly rationalize, maybe my pain medication got "second- wind" and that was the explanation for the painlessness. Was I questioning God's power or what? And furthermore I felt I needed to wait to see if this was just an intermittent subsidence of the pain before giving credit to God and those touching me and praying for my healing.
Well. that happened Saturday night, Feb. 2nd. At this writing, it's now Wednesday night, Feb. 6th, and the pain is still gone and I have worked in the yard for about 3 hours today planting an oak tree( 2 ft, diameter hole dug), moving plants out of the garage back onto the front porch, cutting and staining lumber for a divider to go around the cat litter container and did other chores. I have taken no pain medication since before the healing session.
yeah God!
until next time....
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