
update on regional young adult event

i talked with Banning Liesbscher today http://www.jesusculture.org and confirmed a date that he can come to Austin. November 14-15 will be an awesome weekend. We want to host a regional youth and young adult event. Great worship. Provocative teaching. We want to provoke people to pursue God with abandonment. I am reminded of what Misty Edwards sings, "how far will you let me go? how abandoned will you let me be?" i want to call it "burning ones"

what do you guys think? do you have a good theme name for the event?

leave a comment.

until next time....


Anonymous said...

I'm really excited about this! Let me know what I can do to help. I like the name "Burning Ones".

brittany chloe nicole said...

Lance, i have been reading your posts and they are very encouraging to me. You are such an amazing pastor to me and all the students. Thanks for sharing your wisdom!